Machine à Popcorn 8oz


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Product Information:

L’arôme du popcorn fraîchement éclaté, quel délice pour petits et grands.
Du popcorn avec le même goût que celui au cinéma. Du popcorn chaud et savoureux! Il n’y a rien de meilleur. Quand l’odeur vous passe sous le nez vous devez absolument vous en procurer un sac!! Ajoutez une machine à popcorn à votre prochain événement et fête d’enfants.
Des machines de qualité industrielle à haut rendement vous permettent de ne jamais manquer de popcorn.
Machine simple, pour petit groupe. La machine sera louée avec l’achat de notre popcorn seulement.
Rajoutez encore plus de plaisir avec l’un de nos jeux gonflables! Du plaisir sur toute la ligne!

Transport Dimensions:

Vehicle Required:


Circuits needed:


Space Needed:

1’8″ L x 1’8″ x 2’8″ h

Water Hookup:


Recommended Ages:

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  • Popcorn Pouch Mix

    If you’ve ever been to the movies, you know what the smell of freshly popped popcorn can do! Each pouch mix contains the perfect proportions of popcorn, oil and salt. Throw it into our popcorn machine and you’ll have about 21 cups of steaming, delicious popcorn to serve to your guests. We recommend 3 cups of popcorn per person and have thus included 7 serving bags. Divide the number of guests you have by 7 to determine how many pouches you need.


    If you’ve ever been to the movies, you know what the smell of freshly popped popcorn can do! Each pouch mix contains the perfect proportions of popcorn, oil and salt. Throw it into our popcorn machine and you’ll have  steaming, delicious popcorn to serve to your guests. We recommend 3 cups of popcorn per person and have thus included 9 serving bags. Divide the number of guests you have by 9 to determine how many pouches you need.

    Besides a great party snack, popcorn is also good for fundraisers!

Conveniently located in Vaudreuil and also serving surrounding areas.
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